Benefits of Workflow as Code for Developers

Published 04-11-2022 by Hector Tessari - KuFlow Team

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How developers approach code and technology has changed dramatically in recent years. This is largely due to the popularization of agile methodologies and the widespread adoption of DevOps. However, one of the most important trends that are transforming the way developers work is the so-called "workflow as code".

We already talked in another post about what workflow as code is, in short, a technique used to automate business processes. It's based on the idea of ​​codifying the rules and steps necessary to carry out a process so that it can be executed automatically.

Why is it important for developers?

You developer, have you ever felt frustrated by having to deal with an inefficient or confusing workflow? Well, you don't have to worry anymore! Workflow as code comes to your rescue. It is an approach to workflow management based on the idea that every workflow must be defined and codified. This means that all tasks and processes must be written as code, allowing the workflow to be easily understandable and reproducible, storable in repositories for easy maintenance and collaboration.

Developers can define and automate repetitive tasks, allowing them to focus on more important tasks. They can also save a lot of time and effort by not having to re-create workflows every time a new project comes along.

Some benefits of workflow as code for developers

There are several reasons why workflow as code can be beneficial to developers. First of all, by coding workflows, many tedious and repetitive tasks can be automated, avoiding those potential mistakes that are often made by humans.

From planning to deployment, code is the foundation of everything we do as developers. So it's only natural that we're looking for ways to improve workflows and make them more efficient.

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In summary

Workflow as code is a way of automating and documenting a workflow that a developer may have in their toolbox. By coding a workflow, they can ensure that all steps are performed consistently and can be easily repeated. They can also easily share and collaborate on already codified workflows, allowing teams to improve efficiency and stay up-to-date with the latest enhancements.

If you are a developer, defining your workflow as code is easy:

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