New Year. New challenges

Published 25-01-2024 by Carlos Peña

New Year. New challenges

Credits: Pexels

2023 has been an exceptional year for our company, full of significant achievements and valuable learnings. In the commercial field, we have consolidated a solid base of first clients who not only trust our platform but also use it daily to enhance their operations. This commitment on the part of our users drives us to continue improving and exceeding their expectations.

From a technical point of view, we have experienced a significant leap in the flexibility of our platform, introducing a series of innovative features that have enriched the experience of our users. This technical progress not only reflects our commitment to excellence, but also our adaptability to changing market needs.

However, the most exciting thing is yet to come in 2024. On a commercial level, inspired by the experiences and feedback of our first clients, we embarked on an ambitious roadmap that will transform our platform into the fundamental tool for the modernization and automation of companies. We are committed to creating solutions that not only meet current needs, but anticipate and address future challenges.

This coming year is an opportunity to redefine the business landscape through innovation and collaboration. We are determined to not only keep pace with digital transformation, but to help lead it for our clients. Our goal is to provide businesses with the tools necessary to reach new heights of efficiency and success.

Better RPA integration and monitoring

In our continued commitment to innovation, we are charting an exciting path for 2024 by taking a bold step towards integrating and monitoring Robotic Process Automation (RPA) into our platform. During 2023, we have worked tirelessly to integrate three key solutions: UiPath, Robot Framework and UIVision. This effort resulted in the development of SDKs and specialized libraries, paving the way for a seamless integration between these tools and KuFlow.

Our vision expands even further this year with the creation of an agent management application, dedicated to launching assisted bots directly from Windows operating system computers. This strategic step will allow for closer collaboration between automated efficiency and human intervention when necessary. We are excited by the possibilities this will open up, providing our users with a broader range of options to optimize their business processes.

It is essential to highlight that all this progress has been possible thanks to the invaluable support we have received through the "Programa Investigo", framed in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan financed by the European Union - NEXT GENERATION EU. This collaboration has strengthened our ability to drive innovation and reaffirms our commitment to leading the way towards digital transformation.

Better visualization and interaction with processes

Another line of work that we are going to address during 2024 is the improvement in visualization and interaction with processes. In our constant pursuit of excellence, we strive to make human interaction with processes more intuitive and enjoyable. Whether users need to intervene in a process or simply want to monitor their progress, our goal is to create a much more natural and collaborative experience.

We imagine a future where the history of a process reads like a story that narrates every relevant detail. We want each interaction with the platform to be an experience that not only meets functional objectives, but also provides a human and collaborative touch. We are committed to creating a platform that is not only efficient but also reflects the essence of proper collaboration between technology and people.

This evolution is not only about technological improvements, but about transforming how users relate to our product. In 2024, we will dedicate ourselves to building an interface that is not only powerful in its functionality, but also attractive and accessible to everyone. We are excited to bring this vision to life and believe this enhancement will not only optimize efficiency, but will also help make every interaction with KuFlow an exceptional experience.

Conclusion: a year full of challenges

2024 is presented as a year in which we will not only address challenges, but we also want to mark significant milestones in the technological landscape.

We are excited to share this journey with you, our valued users and collaborators, and look forward to a year full of shared achievements and exciting discoveries. Together, we will face the challenges of the future with resilience and creativity.

For a more automated world in which machines allow us humans to focus on what is truly important: moving towards an innovative future full of possibilities. Let's go together towards success!

Visit us in KuFlow to start your automation journey.


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